Fraud Awareness and Prevention
Fraud Awareness is critical, and SpeedLink encourages anyone who receives an unsolicited email appearing to be from SpeedLink to question its integrity before opening any attachments, clicking any links or venturing into any further transactions
Fraudulent Use of the SpeedLink Brand
Attempts have been made to defraud Internet shoppers by the unauthorised use of the SpeedLink name and brand via email communications and graphics which appear, on the surface, to have originated from SpeedLink.
In most cases the communications concern the sale of consumer goods over the Internet where payment may be requested before the goods are delivered.
Please be advised that SpeedLink does not request payment in this manner. SpeedLink only collects money due for official SpeedLink related shipping expenses.
This security notice does not affect the obligation of a consignee to pay shipping, customs, VAT or similar charges, where these are properly payable at the time of delivery.
SpeedLink accepts no responsibility for any costs, charges or payments made which were improperly incurred as a result of fraudulent activity.
Waybill and Luggage Fraud Awareness
Have you been contacted by someone claiming to be from Speedlink using a Gmail email address similar to ? If you have, and they claim to have a piece of luggage containing high value goods - and the are asking for over $1000 USD - It's more than likely a scam.
DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY! And NEVER use Western Union to send cash to someone you do not know.
The above image is a fraudulent document. Have nothing to do with the individual who sent this to you.
Spam and Viruses
Please be advised that if you received an email suggesting that SpeedLink is attempting to deliver a package requesting that you open the email attachment in order to affect delivery, this email is fraudulent, the package does not exist and the attachment may be a computer virus.
Please do not open the attachment or click any links. This email and attachment do not originate from SpeedLink.
Shroyer, Russell Jay
Have you been contacted by this man? STOP IMMEDIATELY!
This is an internationally known FRAUDSTER and SCAMMER.
If he has contacted you claiming to be in possession of a parcel that you are the beneficiary of - do not have anything to do with it. There is no parcel. There is no money.
He may contact you from this email address:
We can assure you that this person has no connection with SpeedLink and you should not send any money to pay for certificates, customs clearances, non-inspection fees, etc., etc.
Have nothing to do with this person!
It has come to our attention that a criminal enterprise that has connections with Washington State USA, Panama and Hong Kong are using a website that is a copy of our legitimate website - but using the name OVA EXPRESS MAIL - This website also contains copyrighted images and photo's of our staff.
SpeedLink Transport Limited would like to state categorically that we are not connected with or operating in association with this enterprise. Any contact you have with this entity should be reported immediately to you local police and/or internet fraud authority.
Individuals who have been asked to send money to parties associated with the above via WESTERN UNION should not do so.
Report Fraud and further Fraud Awareness
If you have received an email which you believe to be fraudulent or have actually been the victim of a scam email, you can report it to the police.
Action Fraud provide a central point of contact for information about fraud and financially motivated internet crime. You can report your fraud experience by calling 0300 123 2040. Lines are open Monday to Friday 08:00 – 21:00, Saturday and Sunday 09:00 – 17:00 or visit there website here.
Please Contact Us is you feel for any reason that someone is attempting to defraud you.