May Bank Holiday Opening Times

Monday, April 29, 2019

May Bank Holiday Opening Times
SpeedLink will continue to offer a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week service throughout the entire year. However, we will modified contact centre opening hours over the upcoming Bank Holiday weekends in May.

On May 4 to 6 and May 25 - 27, SpeedLink's contact centre will be closed. We will continue to carry shipments over these periods as long as they are pre-booked before our contact centre closes at 11PM on Friday May 3rd and Friday May 24th. Emergency contact will be available regarding any live jobs carried over these periods so you can be assured that shipments will complete on schedule and as promised.

Our online quote and booking tool will be available during these periods allowing you to obtain quotes and make bookings for both time critical same day shipments or Express and Economy shipments. Please note that bookings made during these Bank Holiday periods will not be actioned until opening on either Tuesday May 7th or 28th. Any shipments that require movement on the Bank Holiday weekend must be booked in advance of closing on the Friday.

For more information or additional clarification, please feel free to Contact Us at anytime.